Wise Blood...

Gothic Blood

...is dark and creepy, designed for horror movies and just that extra little kick.

Bright Blood

...is realistic, the color of blood as it flows out of your body.

Gothic vs Bright

Regular Blood

...flows like blood, visceral and alive.

Thick Blood

...stays put and is good for makeup, walls, and clothes.

Ultra Thick Blood

...also good for makeup, walls, and clothes, with body and texture.

Thin Blood

..is water-thin, in case you need such a thing.

About our Blood

Wise Blood doesn't use any sugar so it isn't sticky, won't attract insects or scavengers, and is more pleasant to use than other bloods.

Thick Blood is designed to wear well. It stays put. It doesn't soak into cloth or other porous materials and "pink-out".

Ultra Thick Blood is the thickest of the thick, almost firm in texture.

Wise Blood is safe. It won't hurt your actors in any way.

Quart 3 Gallon 5 Gallon 20x
Regular $15 $120 $180 $120
Thick $15 $120 $180 $120
Ultra $15 $120 $180 n/a
Thin $15 $100 $150 $100

Shipping for 1 to 3 quarts is $15; for 4 to 6 quarts it's $30, and so on.

20x concentrate is considered a quart.

Shipping on 3 and 5 gallon buckets will be determined at order time. But it's expensive.

You have three decisions to make:

  1. Color (Bright, Gothic)
  2. Thickness (Regular, Thick, Ultra, Thin)
  3. Size (Quart, 3 or 5 gallons, concentrate)

With your decision in mind, e-mail me at edwin@simreal.com and ask for your blood: "I would like 3 quarts of Bright Regular".

From there we can work out payments, shipping, and other things.

For Questions and Purchasing, contact edwin@simreal.com